Peer Reviewed Articles
Grant, A.; Langer, E.R. (L). 2021. Wildfire volunteering and community disaster resilience in New Zealand: institutional change in a dynamic rural social-ecological setting. Ecology and Society 26(3):18. [Special Issue on Resilient Rural Futures]
Christensen, B.; Herries, D.; Hartley, R.J.L.; Parker, R. 2021. UAS and smartphone integration at wildfire management in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 51: 10.
Dudfield, M.; Pearce, H.G.; Cameron, G. 2021. The impact of recent climate on fire danger levels in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 65(4): 12-18.
Prichard, S.J.; O’Neill, S.M.; Eagle, P.; Andreu, A.G.; Drye, B.; Dubowy, J.; Urbanski, S.; Strand, T.M. 2020. Wildland fire emissions factors in North America: synthesis of existing data, measurement needs and management applications. International Journal of Wildland Fire 29(2): 132-147.
Bayne, K.; Pearce, G.; Baillie, B.; Clifford, V. 2020. Chapter 20. New Zealand perspectives on prescribed burning. In: Leavesley, A.; Thornton, R.; Wouters, M. (eds). Prescribed Burning in Australasia: The Science, Practice and Politics of Burning the Bush. Australasian Fire & Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC), Melbourne, Australia. pp 208-217. (published May 2020)
Huggins, T.J.; Langer, E.R.; McLennan, J.; Johnston, D.M.; Yang, L. 2020. The many-headed beast of increasing wildfire risks to Aotearoa-New Zealand. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 35(3) (July 2020): 49 54.
Pretorius, I.; Sturman, A.; Strand, T.; Katurji, M.; Pearce, H.G. 2020. A meteorological study of the Port Hills fire, Christchurch, New Zealand. Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology 59(2): 263-280.
Baillie, B.R.; Bayne, K.M. 2019. The historical use of fire as a land management tool in New Zealand and the challenges for its continued use. Landscape Ecology 34(10): 2229-2244.
McGee, T.; Langer, E.R. 2019. Residents' preparedness, experiences and actions during an extreme wildfire in the Far North, Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 41 (December 2019), 101303.
Pearce, H.G.; Clifford, V.R. 2013. IAFSS award – Best applied paper at the 4th Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina 2013: "Fire behaviour prediction tools for fire managers – lessons learned from tools development in New Zealand". Presented by the International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), June 2013.
Moffat, A.J.; Pearce, H.G. 2013. Contrasting approaches to forest fire risk in New Zealand and Great Britain. Scottish Forestry 67(4): 10-17.
Larkin, N.K.; Raffuse, S.M.; Strand, T. 2013. Wildland fire emissions, carbon, and climate – U.S. emissions inventories. Forest Ecology and Management 317: 61-69.
Goodrick, S.; Achtemeier, G.; Larkin, N.; Liu, Y; Strand, T. 2013. Modeling smoke transport from wildland fires: a review. International Journal of Wildland Fire 22(1): 83-94.
Drösler, M.; Verchot, L.V.; Freibauer, A.; Pan, G.; … Strand, T. 2013. Chapter 2: Drained Inland Organic Soils. In: IPCC. 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands. Hiraishi, T.; Krug, T.; Tanabe, K.; Srivastava, N.; Baasansuren, J.; Fukuda, M.; Troxler, T.G. (eds). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Switzerland. pp. 2.6-2.79.
Daily, H.G.; Lane, P.A.; Lisson, S.N.; Bridle, K.; Anderson, S.A.J.; Corkrey, R. 2013. Leaf growth and senescence rates of three pasture grasses and wheat. Crop and Pasture Science 64(7): 660-672.
Strand, T.; Larkin, N.; Solomon, R.; Rorig, M.; Craig, K.J.; Raffuse, S.; Sullivan, D.; Wheeler, N.; Pryden, D. 2012. Analyses of BlueSky Gateway PM2.5 predictions during the 2007 southern and 2008 northern California fires. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 117(17), D17301.
Stoof, C.R.; Oswald, B.; Langer, E.R.; Schuijn, M.; McMorrow, J.; Getz-Smeenk, A.; Stalenhoef, E. 2012. Different risks, different solutions? A discussion on what traditionally fire-prone and less fire-prone countries can learn from each other. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fires Conference, 17-19 April 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp 135-137. International Association of Wildland Fire, Missoula, Montana, USA. pp 135-137.
Stoof, C.R.; Langer, E.R.; McMorrow, J.; Oswald, B. 2012. WILDFIREWorld Online: Global wildfire awareness. International Association of Wildland Fire, Chicago, Illinois. Wildfire magazine, September/October 2012: 12.
Raffuse, S.M.; Craig, K.J.; Larkin, N.K.; Strand, T.; Sullivan, D.C.; Wheeler, N.J.M.; Solomon, R. 2012. An evaluation of modeled plume injection height with satellite-derived observed plume height. Atmosphere 3(1): 103-123.
Langer, E.R.; Hide, S.; Pearce, H.G. 2012. Do rural fire danger warnings lead to appropriate behaviour by the New Zealand public? In: Proceedings of the 3rd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fires Conference, 17-19 April 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 91-93. International Association of Wildland Fire.
Jakes, P.J.; Langer, E.R. 2012. The adaptive capacity of New Zealand communities to wildfire. International Journal of Wildland Fire 21(6): 764-772.
Newnham, G.J.; Verbesselt, J.; Grant, I.F.; Anderson, S.A.J. 2011. Relative greenness index for assessing curing of grassland fuel. Remote Sensing of Environment 115(6): 1456-1463.
Langer, E.R.; Hide, S.; Pearce, H.G. 2011. Effectiveness of rural fire danger warnings to New Zealand communities. In: Thornton, R.P. (Ed). Proceedings of Bushfire CRC & AFAC 2011 Conference Science Day, 1 September 2011, Sydney, Australia. Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourne. pp 285-296.
Anderson, S.A.J.; Anderson, W.R.; Hollis, J.J.; Botha, E.J. 2011. A simple method for field-based grassland curing assessment. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20(6): 804-811.
Wakelin, H.M.; Anderson, S.A.J.; Spearpoint, M.J.; Cochrane, C.H. 2010. Ignition thresholds for grassland fuels and management implications. In: Wade, D. (Ed). Proceedings of the 3rd Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference, “Beyond Fire Behavior and Fuels: Learning from the Past to Help Guide Us in the Future”, 25-29 October 2010, Spokane, Washington, USA. International Association of Wildland Fire, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
Pearce, H.G.; Anderson, W.R.; Fogarty, L.G.; Todoroki, C.; Anderson, S.A.J. 2010. Linear mixed effects models for estimating biomass and fuel loads in shrublands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(10): 2015-2026.
Jakes, P.J.; Kelly, L.; Langer, E.R. 2010. An exploration of a fire-affected community undergoing change in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 25(3): 48-53.
Daily, H.; Lane, P.; Lisson, S.; Bridle, K.; Anderson, S.; Corkrey, R. 2010. Developing grass curing algorithms for decision support tools. In: Dove, H.; Culvenor, R.A. (Eds). “Food Security from Sustainable Agriculture”, Proceedings of 15th Agronomy Conference 2010, 15-18 November 2010, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Anderson, S.A.J.; Anderson, W.R. 2010. Ignition and fire spread thresholds in gorse (Ulex europaeus). International Journal of Wildland Fire 19(5): 589-598.
Martin, D.; Jones, S.; Grant, I.; Anderson, S.A.J. 2009. Assessment of grassland curing using field-based spectrometry and satellite imagery. In: Reinke, K.J. et al. (eds.). Innovations in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry. Springer, Berlin. pp 229-237.
Martin, D.; Grant, I.; Jones, S.; Anderson, S.A.J. 2009. Development of satellite vegetation indices to assess grassland curing across Australia and New Zealand. In: Reinke, K.J. et al. (eds.). Innovations in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry. Springer, Berlin. pp 211-227.
Anderson, S.A.J.; Anderson, W.R. 2009. Predicting the elevated dead fuel moisture content in gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) shrub fuels. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(12): 2355-2368.
Salinger, M.J.; Pearce, H.G. 2008. Operational fire danger rating in New Zealand and predictions of fire season fire severity. In: Brady, M.; Kwan, J.; Naydenov, E. (eds.). Report on the International Workshop on Advances in Operational Weather Systems for Fire Danger Rating, 14-16 July 2008, Northern Forestry Center, Edmonton, Canada. Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. GOFC-GOLD Report No. 36. (pp 22-23, 86)
Anderson, S.A.J.; Pearce, H.G. 2008. The role of research in managing forest and fire risk. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 53(3): 23-26.
Anderson, S.A.J.; Doherty, J.J.; Pearce, H.G. 2008. Wildfires in New Zealand from 1991 to 2007. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 53(3): 19-22.
Pearce, H.G.; Clifford, V. 2008. Fire weather and climate of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 53(3): 13‑18.
Pearce, H.G.; Cameron, G.; Anderson, S.A.J.; Dudfield, M. 2008. An overview of fire management in New Zealand forestry. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 53(3): 7-11.
Pearce, G.; Anderson, S.; Rasmussen, J. 2008. Chapter 16: Rural fire. In: Spearpoint, M. (ed.). Fire Engineering Design Guide. 3rd ed. New Zealand Centre for Advanced Engineering, Christchurch. pp 281-312.